Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lunar Lakes & India Inspiration Store Set Pictures!

Yes. I know this is old news...but, Lunar Lakes is awesome!
I am more of a Sunset Valley/RiverView and hidden Springs kinda gal so you're getting input from someone who prefers those towns. I was about wandering between the town and I saw a sim, so I went to go look at the sim...and...well...

She was wearing blue polka dots?
I saw more in the corner and saw 3 people in a row standing that looked EXACTLY like her. I was horrified but laughing at the same time.

Scary. D:

I also moved to and from a couple houses...and they don't have my favorite architecture...:/

Ignore the fortune teller thing, I was trying it out. 
This is the house farthest away from the town behind all the mountains.
Extremely Ugly. :/

The town itself über pretty! :)
That ugly house that was in the previous picture.

 Alright. I'm in a different house now. And ^ this is what the first bed room looked like. ¬.¬
Well, Here is the India Set at the store! The floor is form Generations. The wall was customized. The dresser lights thing is from ShowTime, and the two chairs and fortune teller are a different store set.

Giant TV from ShowTime.
I <3 the India Inspiration stuff, it's really pretty. The clothing is perfect for the Genie's in ShowTime and they are just adorable.
I really recommend getting it. :)
My view of Lunar Lakes from my window.
Another clip of Lunar Lakes from my window. 

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